Welcome to a New Trustee

We are delighted to welcome Margaret Marshall to the Boardof Trustees. Margaret joined us last year, and brings with her a wealth oflegal experience and local knowledge. Margaret was a solicitor and then partnerin the firm of Reynolds Parry, in High Wycombe, for over twenty years, beforemoving into the charity sector, where she developed expertise in estates andlegacies for Oxfam before moving to her current role with Christian Aid’sLegacies team. During her years in private practice, Margaret worked largely inthe area of residential property, but has experience in property developmentand agricultural land and takes a particular interest in the issues and affairsaffecting older clients.
Margaret has lived in the Chilterns for over thirty yearsand when she is not advising clients, she enjoys walking in the beautifulChiltern hills and further afield, she is a member of the Chilterns Society andvolunteers at Lacey Green Windmill. Margaret is learning Welsh and, in herwords, plays the saxophone badly (but we doubt that). Margaret has alreadytaken an active role in various areas of the Charity’s work, from meetingresidents and visiting the estates, to advising on legal issues and leading strategydiscussions. The Charity looks forward to benefiting from Margaret’s knowledgeand expertise over the next few years as it continues to be a steward of allthat Alice and William de la Pole created.